Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Alya's 10th Bday...

Dear Cimut Mama,

Selamat Ulang Tahun yaaa...
semoga tetap menjadi anak yang shaleha, ceria, rajin belajar dan bahagia.

Pesan Papa dan Mama untuk tahun ini dan tahun-tahun selanjutnya:

why patient?
Because patient will ease your heart In every situation

why strong?
Because strong person will be able to cope with any situation

why dream?
Because dream may take you to the highest point of your life

There are lots of things to be taught and share with you dear..
Hope that Allah swt will give us time to be together
give us health and also true happiness in His way
Aamiin Allohuma Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamiin..


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