Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Friday, June 16, 2017

Hello Anggrek!

Ini adalah anggrek putih dan ungu kesukaan Mama.
Salut untuk Papa yang sudah dengan telaten merawat bunga-bunga ini sehingga terus menerus berbunga dan bertambah cabangnya.
I knew that they're in good hands.
Thanks a bunch, my dear Papa Grebs.. :)


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rifa's Story

Monday, June 12, 2017

Sunday, June 11, 2017

DenganMu Aku Tenang

Hasbunallah wa ni'mal wakil, ni'mal maula wa ni'man nashiir.
Cukuplah Allah menjadi penolong bagi kami dan Allah adalah sebaik-baiknya Pelindung.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


*picture taken from pinterest.

This picture describes millions of words that I cannot say.
All praise is (due) to Allah, Lords of the worlds.
Praise Allah for everything we have and we don't have in life.

Let's continue our paths to the new beginning.

Saturday, June 03, 2017

Notes for Mas Rifa

My dear Son,
With your disappointment, I hope you will find "hikmah" - wisdom, rationale, underlying reason behind all of this.

We've seen your effort and what you've gone through.
Don't ever regret it or even dare to quit.
You are allowed to scream and cry, but just don't give up.
But still, Nak.. being patient is the best thing to do.
Why worries, as what was written for you was written by the greatest of Writers. And for sure, the same thing applies for your future as well.

As the quote I sent to you earlier:
"When it hurts - observe.
Life is trying to teach you something."

and I do believe, Nak.
Allah swt is trying to teach us something.
Let's figure out and learn.

Last but not least, please remember - always look at the bright side and be grateful for all you have and don't have in life.

We're here with you.


Thursday, June 01, 2017

Rifa's Final Exam - 2017

Tomorrow, is the day when Rifa's final exam result will be announced.

While I think that I should prepare and manage my heart in finding the final result, this afternoon I found my beloved son shad a tear after praying.

My dear Son, apparently you are as uncomfortable as your mom..

Sitting here, beside the fish pond, we started to talk heart to heart. Trying to comfort him actually means trying to comfort myself. Prepared him for the worst shall mean I should prepare it too.

Ya Allah..

إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ
"It is You we worship and You we ask for help."
(QS. Al-Faatiha 1: Verse 5)

Whatever the result is. We are ready, insya Allah.

May Allah guide us, especially Mas Rifa, to the best path in his life and his Deen. Aamiin.

Alya dan Obat Kumur

Alya rupanya baru tahu kalau Mama sebetulnya ga pernah melarangnya untuk menggunakan obat kumur, terutama karena saat ini adalah bulan Ramadhan.  Itu terjadi beberapa hari yang lalu.
Hari ini, dengan semangat Alya ngasih tahu Mama bahwa dia akan pakai obat kumurnya.  Lalu percakapan ini pun terjadi:

Alya: (melongok dari kamar mandi) "Maa.. aku udah pakai obat kumurnya"
Mama: "Oke De.."
Alya: "Mama, aku baru tau kalau disini ditulisin harus gosok gigi dulu.."
Mama: "Hah? Kamu belum gosok gigi-nya?"
Alya: "Belum.. aku baru baca ini.."
Mama: "Haha.. iya, itu dipakai kalau habis gosok gigi De.."
Alya:  (wajah bingung) "Iya, trus gimana dong.. Trus Ma, disini ditulisin untuk umur 12 tahun ke atas.."
Mama: "Haha.. Emang Ade berapa tahun umurnya sekarang..?"
Alya: "Aku 11, kan ulang tahunnya baru tanggal 30 nanti.."
Mama: "Hahaha (selisih berapa hari doang).. aduh gimana dong De, kamu dosa dong ya.."
Alya: "Yaaaaah kenapa aku dosa?"
Mama: "Ya karena kamu belum umur 12 tahun. Hahaha.. gimana ayo.. puasanya batal ga kalau berdosa?"
Alya: "Emang batal Ma? Betul aku batal?"
Mama: (lho ko semangat.. gawattt nih.. hahaha) "Ya engga lah De.. masa batal, jangan modus deh. Udah terusin lagi mandinya.. "
Alya: (masuk sebentar dan melongok lagi) "Ma, aku gosok gigi sekarang, trus nanti aku kumur lagi ga apa-apa?"
Mama: "Hahaha.. ribet amat Deeee.. iya boleh lah terserah aja"

*Baladaanaktaataturan :)