Sunday, January 06, 2019

What a Mom Can(not) Do?

Dear Koko and Cimut,

As you may know, being a mom is not an easy task for me.
There are so many things that I can(not) do.
There are so many things beyond my capabilities and out of my reach.
But still, I'm trying and will always do my best to play my roles as a human being (nothing but hamba Allah), a wife, mom, daughter, sister, employee and student.

I cannot thank you enough for the support, understanding and happiness that you bring into my life.

Warmest hug with millions love and smooch.

Maaf untuk mie ayam edisi perdana yang sedikit keasinan dan bakso yang separuh matang..
Always happy to see you all having breakfast with a home-made menus, regardless its imperfectness - still Koko gave me 9, Papa 8 and Cimut 8.5.

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