Saturday, June 03, 2017

Notes for Mas Rifa

My dear Son,
With your disappointment, I hope you will find "hikmah" - wisdom, rationale, underlying reason behind all of this.

We've seen your effort and what you've gone through.
Don't ever regret it or even dare to quit.
You are allowed to scream and cry, but just don't give up.
But still, Nak.. being patient is the best thing to do.
Why worries, as what was written for you was written by the greatest of Writers. And for sure, the same thing applies for your future as well.

As the quote I sent to you earlier:
"When it hurts - observe.
Life is trying to teach you something."

and I do believe, Nak.
Allah swt is trying to teach us something.
Let's figure out and learn.

Last but not least, please remember - always look at the bright side and be grateful for all you have and don't have in life.

We're here with you.


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